2017 Reformation 500 Conference


Bible Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, Glory to God Alone!

Thursday 19th of October 2017

Celebrating 500 years since the Reformation and how it sparked a wave of evangelism and mission – Presentation by Rev. Dr. Wes Bredenhof.

The charge continues to be made that the Reformation had no interest in spreading the gospel. This is the commonly accepted view in missiology (the study of Christian mission). But is this really the case? We’ll look at how some of the key Reformers answered two important questions:

1. Where is the mission field?
2. What is the church’s calling?

We’ll especially consider the views of Guido de Bees, John Calvin, and Martin Bucer.

Reformation 500 Presentation

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Reformation 500 Q&A

MP3 Version


Tuesday 23rd of October 2017

Relocating the Real Presence: Calvin and the Proclamation of the Word – Presented by Dr. Jeffry Temple

As we gather to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformaton we have occasion to refect on God ’ s goodness in leading His people back to the truth of His Word.. Indeed,, at the very heart of the Reformaton we fnd the doctrine of Sola Scriptura — the convicton that the message of how sinful men can be reconciled with a Holy God can be found exclusively within the inspired and infallible Words of Scripture.. Yet the words of Romans 10::114 rang as true in the sixteenth century as they did in the frst:: “ And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?? ”

For the fedgling churches of the Reformaton era,, the noton that belief and salvaton were to be rooted in the proclaimed Word required a profound shif in understanding.. It meant rethinking,, at a fundamental level,, how God was to be communed with and how salvaton was to appropriated.. Of all the Reformers,, no one did more to educate sixteenth century believers about the character and functon of the preaching than John Calvin..

In this evening ’ s discussion we will refect on why the shif away from the sacramentally centred liturgy of Rome to the preaching focused ministry of the Reformers represented such a profound reorientaton in thinking.. We will also consider some of the things Calvin had to say about how the Gospel message could be efectually communicated by the new Protestant pastorate.

Reformation 500 Presentation

MP3 Version

Reformation 500 Q&A

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Promotional Material

Reformation 500 Postcard
Reformation 500 Pamphlet
Reformation 500 Promo Video