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Welcome to the Free Reformed Church of Baldivis

We are a Community who firmly believes in God's word.

Thanks for visiting the website of the Free Reformed Church of Baldivis. We hope your visit will help you get a sense of who we are and what we stand for.

We belong to the Free Reformed Churches of Australia, a federation of churches with historical and theological roots in continental Europe, going back to the sixteenth century Reformation, whose aim it was to restore the church to the Biblical, Christian faith of the early church. Our focus is on Bibical and Christ-centreed preaching, teaching, and outreach; covenantal and sacramental worship of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and holy living as a sacrifice of praise to our God for all his goodness and grace.

We meet each Sunday at 9:30am and 3:30pm, in our church building on the corner of Outridge Road and Old Mandurah Road.